This evening, Brenda will be exploring aspects of the awakening process of existence, an approach that embraces the body mind as an expression of the Living Spirit rather than something to “get rid of or get out of.” In other words, the purpose of life is not to become “nothing” where spiritual awakening skips over the human experience and considers it inconsequential. The body-mind is not trivial just because it is temporary, as the interplay between the Divine field and your body-mind is the key to embodied existence. Your life matters not just because you exist, but because your personal life and expression IS God incarnate. This is the true purpose of existence.
October 25th, 2024
7:15 – 8:30pm
VERAPOSE YOGA HOUSE || 3173 Baker Road || Dexter, MI 48130
March 20th + March 21st
9am – 4pm each day
THE WINDS OF CHANGE that endlessly move through our lives are woven into the fabric of being alive. This innate characteristic of being alive, individually and collectively, can be erratic and unsettling to body, mind and spirit. But when we learn to ride these energies, we find it can catalyze a life of peace and profundity, no matter what is happening elsewhere. Amazingly, there is a natural unfoldment of doing so which can be nourished, accelerated and strengthened over time. And, as we yield to this unfoldment, something mysterious begins to happen: our existence is catalyzed into what it is intended to be: a loving, creative, celebratory and happy unfoldment of our unique presence.
THE TOOLS AND WISDOM to sense the winds of change and how to move through it all with peace and wholeness will be shared in a gentle and compassionate space of discovery, encouragement and support. Each retreat is unique and unfolds based upon the needs, makeup and dynamics of those attending. The flow of energy moving through any event that Brenda shares is designed to help catalyze participants into the true Art of Being Alive.
Over time, a range of topics will be shared that are designed to ignite + catalyze deeper bodily and heart understandings of your higher evolution and awakening for anyone. Sometimes a specific group may be addressed, so please note that this introductory series topic – which happens to be for women only – arose due to popular request.
A Woman’s Guide for the Art of Living Beyond Chaos
April 6th – 27th
7pm – 8:15pm
This four-week guidance series for women is designed for learning + practicing the skills to be your authentic self, no matter where you are. Deeper wisdoms + personal tools related to the art of being alive as a woman will be shared. Group size limited.
THIS FOUR-WEEK guidance series for women is designed to integrate and practice the skills of being your authentic self, no matter where you are. Deeper wisdoms + personal tools related to the art of being alive as a woman will be explored and shared within a supportive and gentle setting.
WOMEN, BY TENDENCY, carry the deep wisdom and vision of what it means to live as relationship, to love. They are able to, when in a balanced space, share “frequencies” for healing themselves, others and the world. They can feel whether any interaction is moving towards a restorative, healing and/or loving space. But the unclarity of mind and heart, of wanting to feel accepted, loved or connected can overpower this impulse to relational clarity. When this happens, choices made from that space weaken their capacity to have a life that works.
THERE IS A POWERFUL guidance system for authenticity and love for all human beings, and its unfoldment is critical at this point in time. It is still in a state of adolescence, but it can be ignited and intensified. Everyone, whether they like it or not, is going through a natural metamorphosis, a blossoming and reorganization of their energies to coalesce into new ways of loving and expressing back into life. Women need to clarify and strengthen what they already know: what truly works for Love to blossom on every level. So, here is a personal invitation for you to explore your deepening unfoldment in this area!
PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT the group size needs to be limited for such exploration to happen, and you do not have to be group-savvy or tech savvy to be there. If your heart signals to join in, follow that impulse and register soon!
Continuity develops over the four sessions, so please make arrangements to attend all four Tuesdays. Group size limited.
Thoughtful attention and time are given for self-reflection and healing through dialogue, simple catalytic exercises, shared insights and meditation. Brenda encourages gentle and compassionate attention to one’s body mind, emotional and spiritual awarenesses to ignite a deeper, peaceful relaxation and integration of what it feels like to truly be oneself/Oneself in an endlessly changing world.
A variety of gentle, supportive individual & group activities, meditation, and moments of self-reflection provide a calming space for your relaxation into living and being you, and letting stress become a distant issue in your past.
STRESS IS A BURDEN UPON BODY, MIND & SPIRIT. It becomes a hidden antagonist to living, holding your true expression, sharings and creativity hostage to its antics. This inability to truly live your life arises when the core of your being is thrown off-kilter by life events. It reflects a peculiar, anti-life disconnect that is active before any action or movement occurs. As it persists, this uneasy, anxious stance becomes automatic, a subconscious response entangled within all that you do.
THIS IS NOT HOW ANY LIFE SHOULD UNFOLD. Becoming aware of and releasing this anti-life mechanism and consciously starting fresh in every moment restores your energy for living. Discovering what nurtures and heals this tension-produced disconnect/subconscious rift allows life to nourish rather than exhaust you. Learning to do so is one of the True Arts of Living where proper use of the body mind and bodily wisdom unite. Then stress upon body, mind and spirit relaxes, allowing your life to open to clarity, stillness and peace, the true platform for engaging living.
A VARIETY OF GENTLE, supportive individual & group activities, meditation, and moments of self-reflection provide a calming space for your relaxation into living and being you, and letting stress become a distant issue in your past.
Delicious, nourishing meals & snacks will be served during your retreat. Our menu is prepared with simple, natural ingredients with an emphasis on health, flavor & balance. Each meal offers vegan and gluten free options and highlights organic and local produce whenever possible. We take great care in serving a menu that is nutritious, tasty and also energetically balanced, to help enhance & support your retreat.
One-Day Immersive Retreat
Saturday, June 16th 2018
at Grass Lake Sanctuary
Just the act of embracing our lives, allowing ourselves to exist, accepting who and how we are, is the healing gesture that can trigger Feeling beyond the body mind. It will also help release the universal subconscious conclusion that there is, somehow, something not right about being human. There is no shame in being human and needing to learn, experience through trial and error, and make mistakes. It is a simple concept, but our body minds need help to unlock the perception that we are only our bodies and thoughts. Through a variety of individual and group activities, meditation and self-reflection, many opportunities will be given to deepen one’s awareness that everything is arising from Spirit. And it starts with the deep necessity and natural embrace and acceptance of one’s own existence.
Sat, June 16, 2018
9:20 AM – 5:15 PM EDT
Naturopathic School of the Healing Arts
7920 Jackson Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Thursday February 16th 2017
Suggested donation: $20
Monday, September 19th
Brenda explores the Awakening process of existence that embraces the body-mind as an expression of the Living Spirit, rather than something to “get rid of or get out of.” In other words, the purpose of life is not to become “Nothing,” where spiritual awakening skips over the human experience and considers it inconsequential. The body-mind is not trivial just because it is temporary. The interplay between the Divine Field and your body–mind is the key to embodied existence, where your life matters not just because you exist, but because your presence and your personal life/expression IS God incarnate. This is the True purpose of existence.
Noble Pines Apartments
Community Room
701 Chippewah Street
Elk Rapids, MI
W H E N:
Monday, September 19th
4 – 5:15 pm
Suggested donation: $15
Crazy Wisdom Tea Room
@ the Crazy Wisdom Bookstore
114 S Main St
Ann Arbor, MI
The Art of Presence : A Three Day Retreat
…will focus on unique, simple tools and practices for becoming aligned to the art of your own unique presence, a never-to-be duplicated expression that flows through all of you. It is where peace and stillness reign, where the presence of health in body, mind and spirit moves with acceptance and ease, no matter what age.
…a safe, supportive and catalytic environment will be held for you where exploration and learning are natural and easeful. Be prepared to relax, receive, be catalyzed, absorb and take home tools for your higher evolution for body, mind and spirit!
Michigan Friends Center
The Mystery of Existence
Life is a paradox. How else to explain this simple awareness: we don’t think that we are alive, but know that we are?! There is irony in such awareness, as it tells us that something else is happening here. Brenda shares deeper understandings of life in which this deeper ‘knowing’ is, in fact, a natural unfoldment in the evolutionary process of the universe. The next phase includes a dance of your own making where there is a merging of personal and universal desires, and, understanding the mechanisms for doing so accelerates higher evolution.
Crazy Wisdom Bookstore
The Mystery of Existence
Life is a paradox. How else to explain this simple awareness: we don’t think that we are alive, but know that we are?! There is irony in such awareness, as it tells us that something else is happening here. Brenda shares deeper understandings of life in which this deeper ‘knowing’ is, in fact, a natural unfoldment in the evolutionary process of the universe. The next phase includes a dance of your own making where there is a merging of personal and universal desires, and, understanding the mechanisms for doing so accelerates higher evolution.
The Euphemia Gallery
42 Bank St
Hightstown, NJ 08520
Integrative Acupuncture
220 Congress Park Drive Delray Beach, Florida
The Spiritual Dilemma of Women
Deep within any woman is the heart-awareness that love truly is the answer, that love must be shared and experienced for personal lives and the world to be at peace and heal. This, however, does not always translate into the outer world and her everyday interactions! What can be done to allow this Universal insight to become alive and be more than an occasional thought or conversational topic, but a simple but miraculous personal presence, a gentle but powerful force igniting others to do the same?
RETREAT ACTIVITIES: will focus on unique, simple tools and practices for learning how to release the stresses of living which run below the surface of most movements we make into life, blocking our natural states of happiness, good health, and intelligence.
AS A BACKDROP: this 145-acre retreat sanctuary is dedicated to life balance and connection. Enjoy pristine lands, rolling hills, wooded trails, organic gardens and food, a pond and overnight stays in cabins or bungalows.
Download Retreat Brochure
Brenda Morgan, PhDON BEING ORGANIC: Getting To Know Our Authentic Selves Through Nature
Robin Brophy BS, CDALEARNING TO EXHALE: The Un-Doing Of Over-Doing
Marnie Burkman, MDNATURE’S GIFT: The Power of Connecting To Something Greater Than Yourself
Lana Jerome, GLS Land Steward, MG, CTPSOUNDS IN NATURE CONCERT: In Honor of the Earth
Dick Chrisman, PhD/David Leavitt, MD, ABIHM Tom Mansell, MSTHE MANY MOODS OF COLOR
Joanna Mills, BS, MABODY CONCERTS IN NATURE: Guidance for Receiving Bodywork at the GLS Oasis Spa
Tim Utter, BGS, MLISLIFE-HACKING FOR HAPPINESS & HEALTH: Taking the Sanctuary Experience Home
Tamara Wendt, BA